Hair By Dr. Rahul

Androgenetic Alopecia

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Androgenetic Alopecia (Male and Female pattern baldness)

What is androgenetic alopecia?

This is the most common cause of hair fall in men. It is passed on within generations. Thus one needs to look at their relatives and find out if there have been cases of hair loss that run in the family. It is characterized by progressive thinning of the hairline and corners.

Hair is lost in a well-defined pattern, beginning above the temples. Over time, the hairline recedes to form a characteristic “M” shape. Hair also thins at the crown, may progress to partial or complete baldness. Commonly known as male-pattern baldness.In female pattern baldness, hair becomes thinner all over the head, and the hairline does not recede. Androgenetic alopecia in women rarely leads to total baldness.

First sign of AGA is seen as the recession of temporal hair or loss of side hair. Further, as the condition progresses hair loss moves and the hair loss covers the entire crown. Hormonal changes that are shown in men to be from Androgens are the major cause of hair loss. This progression can be easily slowed down & reversed with medications and other procedures. FUE Hair Transplant can restore hair by implantation of new hair roots in areas with missing follicles 

Androgenic alopecia in Female

In contrast to male-pattern baldness, women lose their hair in a different pattern. While the hairline does not recede, women’s hair thins down all over their heads in a centrifugal pattern. They rarely develop complete baldness.

Reasons behind the Alopecia

Androgen hormones, notably dihydrotestosterone, are responsible for this particular type of hair loss. Androgens play a crucial role in male sexual development during puberty. Additionally,they play a crucial role in the regulation of hair growth.

Follicles, which are found beneath the epidermis, are where hair development starts. Each hair strand typically develops for two to six years before entering a resting period for a few months and then falling out. When the follicle starts to develop a new hair, the cycle repeats. Increased androgen levels in hair follicles shortens the hair growth cycle and cause the development of shorter and thinner strands of hair. In addition, the creation of new hair to replace strands that fall out is delayed.

Despite the fact that multiple genes may be involved in androgenetic alopecia, only one gene variant, AR, has been proven in research. The androgen receptor protein is made according to instructions from the AR gene. The body may react correctly to androgens like dihydrotestosterone and other androgens thanks to androgen receptors. According to studies, androgen receptor activity in hair follicles is raised as a result of polymorphisms in the AR gene which causes hair loss.

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