Hair By Dr. Rahul

Male Hair Loss

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The most common cause of hair loss in men, male pattern hair loss can begin early. Sometimes, it starts in your late teens or early twenties. Usually, it appears where they have a visible sign like noticeable thinning, a receding hairline and corners, or balding.

It is very important to seek help and to talk to a medical professional. Hair loss in early stages can be easily reversed in men. The main culprit in male hair loss is the conversion of  testosterone to DHT.  DHT conversion can be stopped by medicines and further Hair growth can be done by Hair Transplant. The men who tend to see the best results start treatment soon after noticing hair loss.

Types of Male Pattern hair loss

1. Androgenetic Alopecia or Male Pattern Baldness

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of male pattern hair loss. More than 50 percent of men over the age of 50 will be affected by male pattern baldness to some extent. In this,your hair is lost in a well-defined pattern, beginning above the temples. Over time, the hairline recedes to form a characteristic “M” shape. Hair also thins at the crown, & it may progress to partial or complete baldness.

Stages Of Male pattern Hair-Loss

The progression of male pattern baldness is generally classified as follows

It ranges from Stages I to VII


Minimal hair loss along sides and front part


Recession of hair line at both sides along with frontal hair thinning.


Deep, Symmetrical side hair-line receding


Extending front and side hair line along with significant hair loss in crown area.


Extensive alopecial(baldness) in front and temporal and vertex region.


There is complete absence of hair in the bridge joining the vertex and front temporal region.


Most server variant with almost bald head look with horse- shoe shaped hairy zone at the sides.

2. Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium or hair shedding arises during the telogen or resting phase of hair growth cycle. It is in complete opposition to anagen effluvium where hair shedding happens during the growth stages. It is usually caused due to prolonged fever,emotional stress,acute weight loss,dietary imbalance,post pregnancy or during periods of any major ailment. 

3. Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a common immunity disorder which causes uncontrolled hair loss. It causes hair loss in patches, which means you loss more hair at certain areas of your head.It is very important to know why you are suffering from alopecia areata, its causes and what are the medication to stop alopecia areata

Treatments for Male pattern hair loss

As DHT is the active androgen in male pattern hair loss, Tablet Finasteride taken 1Mg daily slows progression of hair loss by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT and also stimulates growth of hair.

It comes in 2%, 5% lotion, 5% foam and 10% lotion in alcohol or aloe-vera base. By applying it topically on scalp twice daily promotes hair-growth by prolonging anagen(growth) phase of your hair. It acts by improving the blood supply to the hair roots. To access the response, it has to be used for atleast 6-8months and continued thereafter to maintain the response.

CONVENTIONAL MEDICINES are aimed at identifying disease and treating symptoms. Our approach is to restore cellular function. Cells are made up of nutrients & require a Comprehensive and Scientific nutritional environment to thrive, repair and regenerate delivering an Optimized Cellular response.

However if nutrients are not given in proper dosages it can lead to inter nutrients interactions, nutrients in excess can create toxicity, antioxidant in excess reverse the benefits acting as pro-oxidants, incompatible nutrients if administered together, reduce the efficiency of one another. Nutrients are also synergistic with each other helping to enhance the efficiency while reducing dosage in the right combinations.
The science of combining the right nutrients in low intermittent dosage, to maximize benefit is our cyclical nutrition program here at VISAGE HAIR RESTORATION CENTER.

Most patients today try individual nutritional supplements to correct hair loss. Some try iron supplements, some try calcium and vitamin D, some try high protein intake etc. Multiple nutrient deficiencies have been reported in hair loss patients. The fact is that, though the deficiency of these supplements is associated with hair loss, these are required to work, all at the same time. Nutrients are dependent on the support of one another; they do not work individually or in isolation. However, all these nutrients cannot be administered at the same time. Too many nutrients at a time can reduce the absorption, overload the transport, storage and activation pathways, getting excreted unused. Cyclical Therapy has evolved as a refined way of efficient nutrition delivery. We improve cellular response by providing nutritional supplements with clinically established Cyclical protocol which deliver wellness, Good Health & Improved Treatment Outcome. Here the nutrients in synergistic doses are administered on different days in a three day cycle. The approach reduces the dosage but improves efficiency, avoids antagonistic nutrients from being given together, prevents overdose and wastage of supplements. Cyclical Therapy has evolved as a refined way of efficient nutrition delivery.

Hair Transplant surgery is carried out under local anesthesia and can be done in 1 or 2 consequent days depending upon the number of hair grafts. It involves moving hair follicles from non-androgen dependent back of scalp into the frontal balding areas. which can give excellent, desired and permanent results

At VISAGE hair care and restoration center, we provide expertise in Trichology. With an experience of over years, we are experts in our field. We are looking at your well being and are also trying to give you the best treatment at affordable cost

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