Hair By Dr. Rahul

Traction Alopecia

Home > Traction Alopecia

It is a form of hair loss that results from prolonged or repetitive tension or traction to the scalp hair. It is most commonly due to wearing hair in tight ponytails for longer periods.

In this types of hair loss mechanical damage to the hair follicle is caused by traction or pulling. Ballerinas, gymnasts, military personnel and certain professionals who are required to wear their hair pulled back, develop traction alopecia.

When your hair is pulled for prolonged periods it starts getting loose from the follicles and eventually breaks and falls off. The hair follicles
are subjected to constant pulling, they get more and more damaged and scarred that they are no longer able to produce any new hair.

This issue can develop due to

The likelihood of traction alopecia increases with age and also from what age you started to put pressure on your hair. There are different stages in this type of hair fall.

The different stages in Traction Alopecia

Early stages

There is thinning of hair and you start to notice hair growth cycle change slowly but gradually and the amount of Telogen (resting) hair increases.

Later stages

Sebaceous glands and terminal hair follicles reduce and are replaced by fibrous tracts (scars). Inflammation is mild to absent.

Causes Of Traction Alopecia

Prevention Of Traction Alopecia

Treatment Of Traction Alopecia

If as all possible, avoid tight haircuts. If a person’s occupation or religion dictates that they wear their hair up or
in tight buns, they should tie their hair as loosely as possible and wear it down or loose as often as feasible.

Limit your exposure to chemicals, including relaxants. A relaxer should not be applied to
relaxed hair. To avoid putting undue stress on one part of the scalp, switch your hairstyle every few weeks.

Look into hair-growth products. After three to six months of using a minoxidil and laser
light treatment, about 40% of users begin to experience some hair growth again.
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